As artists Tracy & Edwin communicate with each other through the visual, the verbal and the textual.
No Neutral Representations (2011) is a large-scale silent still-image digital slide projection that presents a series of notebook pages, with associated postcards. The notebook acts as a conversation piece between Tracy & Edwin. As artists who collaborate, they communicate with each other daily through the visual, the verbal and the textual. This work creates space in which to convey meaning to each other through creative text-image strategies, as a way of exploring the central ideas and considerations in The Museum of Loss and Renewal.
The pages are developed playfully, highlighting aspects of signification and visualisation and spatial intersections where seeing and saying meet. Ambiguity, associativeness, interpretation, the poetic and the ekphrastic are modes that are employed, the pages opened out to audiences at chosen moments such as in the exhibition projects Loss Becomes Object and Object Becomes Subject (2011).